Who is a Candidate for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Discover who is a candidate for minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) and how it benefits specific spine conditions. Consult with a spine specialist to determine if MISS is the right option for you.
Lumbar Pedicle Screw Placement: How to Enhance Spine Stabilization

Discover how Ruthless Spine’s RJB system enhances lumbar pedicle screw placement for spine stabilization with just a simple setup.
Ruthless Spine’s RJB System Hits the Market Running

Ruthless Spine proudly announces the launch of the RJB system, backed by impressive sales figures that are set to pave the way for an optimistic debt-free future.
RJB Surgical Angle Measurement tool: Impact in Africa

Learn how a group of neurosurgery residents, armed with the RJB, embarked on a mission to Liberia, Africa, to transform the landscape of spine surgery in a region with limited surgical resources.
Ruthless Spine Sell Sheet

Ruthless Spine’s RJB device targeted for lumbosacral pedicle screw procedures official sell sheet.
Ruthless Spine RJB At NASS 2023

The Interview With Dr. Shane Pak From Ruthless Spine At NASS 2023 Highlighted The Immense Potential Of The RJB System In Revolutionizing Spine Surgery.
Ruthless Spine is Entering the Medical Device Market in the Most Ruthless Way!

Ruthless Spine’s Halloween parody video featuring Rufass. By infusing humor into our promotional efforts, we not only entertained but also emphasized our competitive spirit and commitment to innovation.
Ruthless Spine’s RJB Wins 2023 Spine Tech Award

Ruthless Spine’s RJB Intraoperative Surgical Angle Measurement Tool has rightfully claimed the spotlight as a 2023 Spine Tech Award recipient.
How to Change the Batteries in a RJB Demo Unit: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of safely changing the batteries in your RJB Demo unit.
The RJB – An Inexpensive Alternative to Flash Navigation

Ruthless Spine recognized the need for a simpler, cost-effective, and efficient alternative to traditional flash navigation systems.